The documents and resources within this section deal with Role and Ethical considerations raised for the American Sign Language Interpreter. This concept stems largely from a class taught by Dennis Cokely at Northeastern Univeristy titled Role and Ethics, and has been started by collecting some of the papers written in that class. The work collected here represents both research and personal opinion on what it means to be an ethical/moral person and Interpreter, as well as what an Interpreter's role is.
Brief synopses of each available resources are provided (or will be soon), and listed in alphabetical order by the title. If you, or anyone else for that matter, have written any essays or researched this topic and would like to have your work posted here, please contact me.
Defining Ethics & Morality, by Damon Timm. Discusses the need to extend the basis of moral decision past the scope of one person, or a small group of people to the greater good all things. Also, considers the difficulty that Interpreters who try to take RID's Code of Ethics literally will face, using the first cluase regarding confidentiality as an example.
Ethical People & Interpreters, by Justin Goujon. Focuses on the author's beliefs regarding what it means to be an ethical person and an ethical Interpreter. Also, mentioning morality and how this concept relates to ethics and finally, why the author would like to become an ASL Interpreter.
Examining the Code of Ethics, by Damon Timm. Considers the changes over time within RID's Code of Ethics, drawing a comparison between ethical changes and changes within the various interpreting models. Exemplifying how both the Code of Ethics and the interpreting models are moving farther away from describing an interpreters behavior, and more towards expressing the underlying morals and values that interpreters share.